Private lessons must be scheduled individually and paid in advance prior to lesson being taken.
Regular Private Lessons & Class Lessons are 55min.
24hr notice necessary to cancel a Private lesson. Late cancellations will result in a charged lesson, unless rescheduled in the same week. Including standing appointments.
Monthly class membership requires a 1 class attended minimum. Roll-overs only granted when zero
classes are attended in a month.
Full refund on courses cancelled within 7 days of enrollment. 15% service charge applies for courses
cancelled after 7 days.
30 day waiting period on all refunds.
$50.00 charge for all returned checks.
Proper attire required for all Private/Class lessons.
Steel City Ballroom cannot be held responsible for the loss or theft of personal articles.
Equal opportunity studio.
Regular Private Lessons & Class Lessons are 55min.
24hr notice necessary to cancel a Private lesson. Late cancellations will result in a charged lesson, unless rescheduled in the same week. Including standing appointments.
Monthly class membership requires a 1 class attended minimum. Roll-overs only granted when zero
classes are attended in a month.
Full refund on courses cancelled within 7 days of enrollment. 15% service charge applies for courses
cancelled after 7 days.
30 day waiting period on all refunds.
$50.00 charge for all returned checks.
Proper attire required for all Private/Class lessons.
Steel City Ballroom cannot be held responsible for the loss or theft of personal articles.
Equal opportunity studio.